It’s World Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Day! The 30th of May is an internationally recognised day
of raising awareness for everyone effected by MS, sharing stories and campaigning for
change. The theme of this year’s World MS Day is diagnosis- navigating MS together. This
campaign aims to advocate for early and accurate diagnosis for everyone living with MS.
Highlighting global barriers and calling for additional funding to train healthcare
professionals and conduct new research and clinical advancements for diagnosis.
(World MS Day, 2024)
What is MS?
MS is a chronic disease of the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord). It is caused
when an individual’s immune systems mistakenly damage a fatty material called myelin that insulates nerves. The loss of myelin affects the way nerves conduct electrical impulses to and from the brain. The breakdown of myelin during an MS attack is called demyelination, where patches of nerves become exposed and scarred. Symptoms of MS can vary, however, common symptoms include loss of motor function, loss of sensation, impaired balance, pain, vision and memory changes.
- There are more than 33,000 people in Australia living with MS
- The average age of diagnosis in Australia is between 20-40 years
- 3 out of 4 Australians that are diagnosed with MS are women
(MS Australia, 2024)
How does Exercise help with MS?
Research suggests that many symptoms associated with MS can be reduced through
physical activity such as:
- Reduce fatigue and increase energy levels
- Improve muscular strength
- Improve balance and coordination/ reduce risk of falls
- Improve mood, well-being and cognition
- Optimise symptoms of recovery after an MS relapse.
Sedentary behaviour may also exacerbate symptoms such as fatigue, decreased strength
and poor sleep. Being inactive also increases the risk of developing other chronic health
(MS Australia, 2024)
Exercise Guidelines
- Research suggests a combination of aerobic, resistance, balance and stretching
exercises are the most beneficial for people with MS.
- 30 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise (eg: walking, swimming, cycling) 2 times
per week and strength-based exercise (eg: body weight, free weights, machines and
reformer Pilates) 2 times per week is recommended.
- People with an advanced level of fitness and who want to see greater benefits can
participate in moderate to vigorous aerobic exercise 5 times per week and resistance
training 2-to 3 times per week.
- For strength-based exercise, slowly building up to 2 sets of 10-15 repetitions is
optimal. Focusing on the lowering phase of the movement.
- For those with more severe disability; breathing exercises, flexibility exercises and
general exercises of the arms and legs for up to 20 minutes a day 3-7 days per week
is optimal.
((MS Australia, 2024), (Exercise is Medicine Australia, 2020), (Exercise Right))
- Research suggests that exercise does not exacerbate MS symptoms. However,
exercise may cause temporary worsening of pre-existing symptoms, which could
be explained in part by an increase in body temperature (Cleveland Clinic: The role
of physical exercise in managing Multiple Sclerosis symptoms, 2024). This can be
easily managed in cooler environments such as using fans, air conditioners, loose-
fitting clothing and cold drinks.
Remember: Doing something is always better than doing nothing! Starting slowly and
gradually increasing levels of activity is a great way to begin.
How can an Exercise Physiologist help?
As previously stated, signs and symptoms of MS vary between individuals. It is important
that people with MS feel supported to overcome barriers to exercise and feel safe when
completing exercise. Therefore, it is important that exercises, particularly balance-focused
exercises are completed in a safe environment to reduce the risk of falls or injury.
Accredited Exercise Physiologists have the knowledge and expertise to tailor exercise
sessions and programs to suit the specific needs and goals of their clients. Providing high-
quality prescription, education and support every time.
On World MS Day (and every day) we all play a role in helping those who are affected by MS
feel included and supported. If you or anyone you know want more information about the
diagnosis progress, please speak with your trusted General Practitioner. If you or anyone
you know are struggling to manage their MS symptoms or want additional support/guidance, consider booking in with an Exercise Physiologist at Geelong Rehabilitation Centre.
